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Minister Duclos
“Improving our health care system includes addressing the challenges our nurses face across the country. This investment will help many nurses feel supported which will lead to better retention and recruitment. This in turn will help strengthen health care for all Canadians, as nurses play a crucial role in our daily wellbeing.”
The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos
Minister of Health
CNO – Dr. Leigh Chapman
“New nurses need adequate supports to be successful as they integrate into the practice environment. CASN’s residency program is essential in ensuring that new nurses are retained in the health workforce. Providing a robust residency program for new nurses will foster professional growth and nurture a culture of continuous learning for ongoing professional success.”
Dr. Leigh Chapman
Chief Nursing Officer of Canada
Dr. Cynthia Baker
“Canada’s health care system is experiencing unprecedented nursing shortages due to unsustainable working conditions and the increasing demands facing new graduates. CASN is confident that a national residency program for new nurses will help integrate nursing graduates into health care delivery, and it will support the creation of a more sustainable workforce. We are looking forward to working with Health Canada, employers across Canada, health care institutions, preceptors, and new nurses, to implement a national residency program that produces residency-trained nurses who are safer, more competent, and retainable.”
Cynthia Baker
Executive Director, CASN
“While this is the program’s second year in the NWT, it has already shown improvements in recruitment and retention for northern healthcare. With continued contributions to 2027, the program will remain a key support for nursing graduates working in the NWT. To date, the Nursing Residency Program has trained 41 Registered Nurses across the territory for their roles as Preceptors and Mentors, and 9 RN graduates completed the first cohort in 2022, with 8 of these nurses remaining in the NWT. We are proud to announce that in 2023 that there are 16 new RN’s joining the Nursing Residency Program starting in July.”
Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority
At the Nursing the Future Speaker Series, Karyn Urau, Nurse Educator and Territorial Manager at the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority, shared her experience with implementing the CASN Nursing Residency Program in the Northwest Territories.
“My education department has been looking for a precepting-mentoring program for nursing staff that has been professionally developed for many years. When we found the CASN Preceptor-Mentor Training Program, it is an educator’s dream come true. I have tried to teach new mentors, but it is always from my experiences with my past students. CASN shares many points of view and many interesting topics. I knew a lot of the information, but the CASN Preceptor-Mentor Training Program allowed me to put a name to my experiences with my students. I enjoyed the final chapters about Dealing with Bullying, Reality Shock and Conflict. It is very relevant in the endemic of COVID and the new reality we live in! I highly recommend this course to future and experienced preceptors/mentors! Cheers, Jon Balmer”
Jon Balmer, CNE
Stanton Territorial Hospital
Yellowknife RN
“A high-quality training for anyone wishing to become a preceptor. The program includes short comprehensive modules that are stimulating due to the various activities requiring either reflective thinking or the application of the theoretical concepts learned. Also, the practical content is clearly communicated.”
Isabelle Chartier, Inf. M.Sc.Adm Santé; DESS Santé mondiale
Coordonnatrice de stages
Faculté des sciences infirmières, Université de Montréal
“This training provided me with practical knowledge that I can apply daily in supporting my colleagues in clinical settings. The presentation is image-laden, dynamic, and evidence-focused. The required activities are all applicable to my work environment. Thank you for this addition to my toolbox!”
Mélanie Gagnon infirmière clinicienne
CLSC Simonne-Monet-Chartrand