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Minister Mark Holland
“We need a healthy workforce to get Canadians the care they need. That starts with making sure health workers are supported so they can do what they do best: care for Canadians. This investment will help more Internationally Educated Nurses join the workforce in Canada to help our current workforce and get more nurses into our health care system even faster.”
The Honourable Mark Holland
Minister of Health
MP Yasir Naqvi
“Across Canada, we are facing tremendous pressures in the health care system. Our government is committed to supporting both the recruitment and retention of this vital workforce and integrating more Internationally Educated Nurses into the workforce is a critical piece of this approach.”
Yasir Naqvi
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health
CNO Leigh Chapman
“Internationally Educated Nurses need adequate supports to be successful as they integrate into the work environment in Canada. CASN’s residency program, alongside a mentorship program, workshops and training designed specifically for IENs, will provide more targeted supports as we welcome our international nurse colleagues into the Canadian workforce.”
Dr. Leigh Chapman
Chief Nursing Officer of Canada
Dr. Cynthia Baker
“Like CASN’s Nurse Residency Program, the IEN Mentorship Program will be delivered through partnerships with health care agencies. It will support the retention and integration of IENs in Canada’s health care workforce by reducing transition stress and culture shock. The IEN mentorship program offers a cost-effective solution that will help health care agencies achieve appropriate staffing levels and decrease costs related to human resources.”
Cynthia Baker
Executive Director, CASN