home » Programs » Books » La formation en sciences infirmières au Canada (Available in French only)
Edited by Jacinthe Pepin
Available in French only
This French-language nursing education textbook, written by leaders from across Canada in the field of nursing education, was jointly developed by CASN and the Centre d’innovation en formation infirmière et apprentissage professionnel (CIFI-AP) of the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Nursing. This book is intended for educators, professors, and academic administrators at the baccalaureate and graduate levels. It aims to provide readers with an opportunity to reflect upon and articulate their own definition of learning and nursing education. It also puts forth theoretical and practical approaches for promoting quality university education that prepares nurses to efficiently practice their profession in their specific role within their discipline. This book focuses on main themes and key priorities while also highlighting innovation in various learning environments.
PDF e-book: $60
Paperback book: $100
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