Building Practice Competencies Virtually Among Baccalaureate Nursing Students


CASN in partnership with Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators Using Simulation (CAN-Sim) and Simulation Canada is offering a continuing education course for nursing educators on the use of virtual simulation to build practice competencies among baccalaureate nursing students.  Participants in this course will learn to select virtual simulation modalities to develop practice competencies among their students, including clinical reasoning, clinical judgement, relational abilities, and technical and procedural skills. They will develop a repertoire of diverse pedagogical strategies to integrate virtual simulation in courses effectively to optimize the achievement of learning outcomes.

Audience: Nurse educators
Delivery: Online (Zoom & Moodle)
Timeframe: 1 week


  • TBD

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes of this professional course are as follow:

  1. Examine the advantages and challenges related to the use of virtual simulation to build practice competencies in nursing education.
  2. Compare and contrast different forms of virtual simulations and platforms.
  3. Identify strategies for integrating virtual simulation into your nursing education environment.
  4. Identify the process of designing and creating virtual simulations
  5. Discuss the evidence available to support the use of virtual simulation in nursing education
  6. Discuss the importance of evidence-based best practices and outcome measures in relation to the integration of virtual simulation into the curriculum
  7. Plan a virtual simulation learning experience.


$125 for participants from CASN member schools
$150 for regular participants


Course instructor:

Dr. Debbie Rickeard, DNP, RN, Experiential Learning Specialist, University of Windsor, Faculty of Nursing.

Invited speakers and contributors to the course design:

  • Marian Luctkar-Flude, RN, PhD, CCSNE, Assistant Professor, Queen’s University, Co-President of CAN-Sim, and the 2019 CASN Pat Griffin Research Scholar
  • Sandra Goldsworthy, RN MSc PhD CNCC(C) CMSN(C) CCSNE, Professor, Nippissing University
  • Timothy Willett, MD, MMEd, President & CEO Simulation Canada

Language notice

This course is available in English only.