Webinaire du groupe d’intérêt de l’ACESI à l’intention des IP

Le groupe d’intérêt de l’ACESI à l’intention des infirmières praticiennes est heureux de présenter le webinaire suivant :

Titre du webinaire :
Données canadiennes sur l’effectif IP: élaborer un outil normalisé pour la collecte de données


On a constaté d’importantes variantes quant à la collecte de données concernant l’effectif des infirmières praticiennes (IP).  Il n’existe aucune source complète de données pour effectuer des recherches liées aux IP.  Dans ce webinaire, la conférencière discutera des tendances actuelles et antérieures au sujet des données canadiennes de l’effectif IP.  De plus, elle présentera un outil normalisé pour la collecte de données sur l’effectif IP, qui peut être utilisé aux fins d’amélioration des programmes pour répondre aux besoins actuels et à venir en matière de formation des diplômées IP.

Ce webinaire gratuit (d’une durée d’une heure), intéressera quiconque œuvre dans le système de soins de santé du Canada, ainsi que les enseignantes et les infirmières praticiennes (IP) intéressées à en apprendre davantage sur les tendances actuelles en ce qui concerne l’effectif infirmières praticiennes (IP) et ses incidences sur la formation des IP.



Tammy O’Rourke BS/MS, NP, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta; Scientific Director/Academic Placement Liaison, Collaborative Community Care (C3) for Seniors 


Kathleen F. Hunter PhD RN NP GNC(C) NCA, Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta; Nurse Practitioner, Specialized Geriatric Services, Glenrose Hospital; Coordinator, MN NP Entry to Practice Program

Date le 23 avril 2019

Heure 10h à 11h, heure normale des Rocheuses (HNR)

(9h heure normale du Pacifique (HNP);  10h heure normale du Centre (HNC);  12h (midi) heure normale de l’Est (HNE); 13h Atlantic; 13h30 heure normale de Terre-Neuve (HNT)

Langue anglais

À propos du panel:


(Information biographique disponible en anglais seulement)


Dr. O’Rourke is a recognized leader in the development and implementation of innovative NP-led interprofessional initiatives.  She has been a nurse for over 25 years now, the first 10 as a Registered Nurse and the last 17 as a Nurse Practitioner.  She is best known for her involvement in the advancement of NP-led clinics in Canada and she was the Chief Nurse Practitioner at an NP-led clinic in Ontario from 2010 to 2014.  She has successfully secured over 15 million dollars in funding to support the development, implementation and sustainability of several NP-led initiatives.  Her most recent success has been in Edmonton with the opening of Collaborative Community Care: C3 for Seniors, which became a reality on March 1st, 2018. C3 for Seniors is an academic faculty practice clinic.  She is an experienced educator, with over 15 years in academics.  The focus of her research program is interprofesessional team development in primary care. She is passionate about the optimization of nursing clinical roles and the development of nursing leadership capacity in primary care.  She is committed to influencing students, excelling in patient care and making significant community contributions through her work.


Dr. Hunter is a Professor with the Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta with specialization in gerontological and continence nursing, and Coordinator for the Nurse Practitioner program. In addition to teaching and research, she practices as an NP in a continence clinic that provides service to older persons and those living with neurological diseases. Research interests include: 1) lower urinary tract symptoms in older adults and links of these symptoms to falls risk and cognitive impairment; 2) hospital care and transitions for older persons. In 2014, she was the recipient of the Practitioner Researcher Award from the Canadian Association for Nursing Research. She is an active member of the International Continence Society (ICS), and is currently the nurse member of the Scientific Committee. She was one of two ICS nurses invited to China in 2017 and 2018 to speak on evidence based continence nursing. She has served on number of working groups and task forces with the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, including the 2017 Task Force on Gerontological Nurse Care that developed competencies for undergraduate nursing students in Canada and is current chair of the NP Education Interest Group.  She is Co-Chair for the 2019 Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association Biennial Conference.


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Pour de plus amples renseignements ou pour toutes questions, communiquez avec  Julia Thomas, Coordonnatrice des politiques en matière de formation, par courriel : jthomas@casn.ca  ou par téléphone : 613-235-3150 (poste 135).